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Introduction to Advanced Surgical Dental Extraction Techniques (incl. MITR, MTE & Segmentation) – A 2-Day Practical Boutique Course (max. 18 vets)

15. November 2024 - 16. November 2024 | 8:00 - 17:30 | 67067 Ludwigshafen, Deutschland

Introduction to Advanced Surgical Dental Extraction Techniques (incl. MITR, MTE & Segmentation) – A 2-Day Practical Boutique Course (max. 18 vets)


Sam Hole BSc(Hons) BVM&S, Cert.AVP(ED), Cert.AVP(EP), Dipl.EVCD(Equine), BAEDT, MRCVS
RCVS & EBVS European Veterinary Specialist in Equine Dentistry
Clinical Director, Pool House Equine Clinic

Richard Reardon BVetMed(Hons), MVM, CertES(Orth), Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS
European Specialist in Equine Surgery
Director, The Equine Dental Clinic Ltd. UK

Elke Pollaris MSc, Dipl.EVDC (Equine)
European Specialist in Equine Dentistry
Veterinary Clinics de Morette and de Bosdreef, Belgium




Pferdeklinik Ludwigshafen

Breite Strasse 141

67067 Ludwigshafen, Deutschland



  • Nowadays a great percentage of equine dental extractions are performed non-surgically but should never be taken lightly as complications like dental fractures, retained root tips, collateral damage etc. easily occur. Over the past 20 years minimally-inva


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Kosten für Nicht-Mitglieder: 1890 EUR

Anmeldeschluss ist der 18. Oktober 2024.

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