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Introduction to the Toyohari Acupuncture Postgraduate Program

18 juin 2024 | 19:30–20:30 | Webinaire

Online — Akupunktur, TCM & Chinesische Arzneitherapie

Introduction to the Toyohari Acupuncture Postgraduate Program
Toyohari is a form of Keiraku Chiryo - Japanese Meridian Therapy. It is a theoretically simple but technically sophisticated complete system of acupuncture that places great emphasis on the use of pulse diagnosis, palpation skills and very delicate needling techniques that usually take many years of practice to develop. In this webinar, Stephen Birch, one of the founding instructors of the European branch of the Toyohari association EBTA will present the method and the 10-weekend postgraduate training program, taught for the first time in Switzerland at the Kantonsspital St.Gallen - Zentrum für Integrative Medizin.

Stephen Birch, PhD

Données clés


Médecines alternatives et complémentaires


Objectifs d'apprentissage

  • Introduction to the Toyohari Acupuncture Postgraduate Program

Steve Birch, PhD


Aucun heures de formation ne sera accordé pour cette manifestation

Coûts pour membres SVS: 0

TAS Toyohari Akupunktur Schweiz

Annina Laim

3000 Bern

Date limite d'inscription est le 15 juin 2024. Inscription

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